L’école vient juste de recommencer, vous pouvez encore vous inscrire. Venez vite nous rejoindre pour un enseignement


Lionel Carrara


  • 1980

    Création du lycée

  • 2005

    Déménagement au local de l'AFL

  • ?

    Homologation primaire

  • ?

    Ouverture du secondaire

  • 2017

    Ecole diplomatique à école privée

  • 2021

    Homologation 6ème


The Lycée Français de Lusaka was founded in 1980 on the initiative of French families living in Zambia, with the support of the French Embassy.

The school, initially located on the premises of the Italian school, moved to the grounds of the Alliance Française in 2005.It is part of the AEFE network of schools, as an accredited school.

The school offers AEFE-certified direct teaching up to 6ème. Direct teaching is also provided for the rest of collège and lycée, with CNED support for exam classes (3ème, 1ère and Terminale).
